Hadley Mountain Firetower hike
On Sunday, on the way back from Lake George, I stopped by the Hadley Mountain fire tower. This is a 1.8 mile hike one way, that starts right out climbing and doesn’t let up until you’re almost to the summit.

The 40 foot tower was actually put up in 1917, not 1920 as the sign says.
The trail switches between flat rock slabs and a mix of small boulders.
Eventually you reach a point that the climbing stops and it gets more level with some views of the surrounding area.
Soon before the summit, there’s a side trail to the right that takes you over to the old observers cabin…

There was also this “cave” behind it, not sure what is was used for, maybe some type of root cellar…
Getting back on the main trail, the fire tower was right around the next turn…
This paticular model of tower originally came with a ladder running upĀ it to get to the summit, stairs were added later. Here’s a section of the original ladder…
And near the ladder, a spike from the survey done back in the 1870’s by Verplanck Colvin…
There were some nice views too….
To see the rest of my pictures from this hike, click here.